I was experiencing sensitive feet every morning whenever I wake up. It was difficult to put my feet on the cold, hard ground. I was recommended to try Ebene Bio-Ray socks and I had never looked back since! It is amazing and I wear it to sleep every night now to keep my feet warm and toasty. It also helps alleviate my pain when I do a lot of walking overseas.
– Regina Tay
I wore it when I was pregnant, to ease cramps at night and at work. I wore during confinement, helps me to sleep well and also prevent wind from entering my feet when I walk around the house. I wore it post partum for 3 months when I stayed home. Thereafter, I wore it for indoor playground trips with my little one who is 15 months old now. Currently wearing it in HK as the weather is cold and we did a lot of walking. Reduces aches on my feet after long hours of waking too! No regrets getting these 2 pairs of socks. They have been with me for the longest time since 2017 Feb when I was pregnant! The socks can be thrown into the washing machine! I strongly recommend this product to anyone who is pregnant!
– Cassendra Tay
This product has helped keep my happy feet healthy! Pregnancy triggers many different changes in my body especially leg cramping. After delivery baby, these problem become more serious such as pain at the heel, swelling and leg cramps. After using Ebene Bio-Ray Foot Massage Socks about 2 weeks, my foot / leg cramps become lesser and do not feel pain after standing or sitting for long hours. It promotes blood and oxygen circulation on my foot and legs. Nowadays, I still wearing this socks at night time for keeps my feet warm when sleeping in aircon room. Taking care of feet is important for overall heathy. THANK YOU Ebene, I keep my feet pain-free!
– Carrie Phang
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price $19.90