Ebene Bio-Ray Knee Guard helps me to support and protect my knee during exercise. It’s useful and helps improve my overall health.
– Linda Wee
Ebene Bio-Ray Knee Guard with tourmaline has helped me in easing the pressure and stress on my knee. I don’t feel pain anymore whenever I climb the stairs or bend my knees. A cost-effective product for all.
– Vicki Ong
I bought Ebene Bio-Ray Knee Guard as my ligament was injured while playing soccer. It helps alleviate my knee pain and provides full support to my knee especially when walking and moving up & down stairs. It helps so much on supporting my every movement. I’m thankful I have made the right choice of buying Ebene products!
-Roy Wang
I am working as a Cashier and have to stand for long hours. Ebene Bio-Ray Knee Guard helps me to relieve knee pain and help me walk better. With this product, i can work happily and effectively every day!
– Sook Ling Lai

售价 $49.45