I first got a sample of the Ebene Bio-Heat + Glucosamine Pain Relief Cream from one health seminar and didn’t think much of it. But one day I was having pain at a point of my ankle, hence I was in search for some medication at home and found the Ebene Bio-Heat + Glucosamine Pain Relief Cream. To my surprise the next morning, I felt so much better and was convinced it has helped me. I purchased the product that very day.
– Lee Liang Liang
EBENE Bio-Heat + Glucosamine Pain Relief Cream has done wonders to relieve my mum’s joint pain since 5 years ago. Highly recommend!
– Adeline
I am an avid runner. I have done 18 Races in 2018, and every time I finish my race, my knee cap wears out & I usually apply the Pain Relief Cream to relieve the strain. It works wonders.
-Naomi Chan

售价 $25.10
– 10%氨基葡萄糖有助于改善膝关节软骨不适
– 保护关节健康,促进关节修复
– 减少炎症
– 快速吸收和深入渗透到受影响的部位